- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be graduate or professional students or post-docs at Stanford University at the time of the application and at the time of eligible travel.
- AWARD DETAILS: Up to $250 per person per event for in-state travel; up to $500 per person per event for out-of-state travel. Awards will be announced quarterly. Apply early!
The Student/Post-doc Travel Grants program of the Program for Disease Ecology, Health and the Environment (DEHE) will be offered on a rolling basis to support graduate students and post-docs who want to attend DEHE-sponsored and/or DEHE-recommended events (i.e. those on our events calendar) or to support student travel to conduct DEHE relevant research as part of the student’s research program (i.e. research linking human health and environmental science). Travel grants are intended to offset travel costs and will be for a flat $250 per student/in-state-event and $500 per student/out-of-state-event. Students/Post-docs will be limited to submitting one Travel Grant application per year.
Review Process:
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Apply online here
- Applications will be reviewed by the selection committee. Awards will be announced quarterly. Be sure to apply early!
- If you have any questions about your project or travel needs, or would like additional information, please contact Cheryl Butner, Susanne, or Giulio DeLeo If you have technical questions or issues in submitting your application, please contact Cheryl Butner.
Application Instructions:
Applications should include a letter of intent (max 1 page, single spaced, 12 point font, with 1” margins), a CV, proof of abstract acceptance (if applying for travel to attend a conference), and a letter of support from at least one faculty mentor. Letters of intent should describe the applicant’s educational and career plan, goals for the event, and either a brief networking plan (if the event is a conference, symposium, or networking activity) or a project description (if applying for travel related to the applicant’s own research).