CIGH Human and Planetary Health Newsletter
- Reminder about new human & planetary health faces on campus this fall – Elaine Flores, planetary health postdoc, will be visiting from LSHTM (Sep 29-Oct 29); Dele Ogunseitan will be a Visiting Professor at CIGH for 2022-23. Please reach out if you'd like to schedule meetings with them or engage them in any of your work!
- Doerr School announces faculty leadership.
- New AJTMH article by AJTMH Green Task Force (chaired by Stanford's Desiree LaBeaud): "As humanity reckons with the emergency of climate change, our global health community needs to contend with our own contributions to greenhouse gas emissions."
- New summary of climate's impact on hundreds of diseases.
- New research on the life-cycles of metals – with implications for a circular economy.
- From Nature Sustainability: "The provision of good healthcare is one of the top priorities of modern societies. Experts are urging decision-makers to ensure that healthcare is delivered sustainably."
- Disinfection products in tap water linked to bladder cancer in China.
- The blue economy should also reduce human pressure on the land.
- "The climate-science community must step up to help Europe navigate [their] energy crisis."
- Planetary Health Annual Meeting: Boston, Oct 31-Nov 2. Register here.