CIGH Human and Planetary Health Newsletter
- Healthy Planet, Healthy People grants announced. "These 3 projects will turbocharge much-needed solutions to complex climate & health challenges for vulnerable and historically marginalized communities."
- Visiting faculty member Dele Ogunseitan profiled in CIGH article on e-waste.
- NIH Climate & Health Scholars Program calls for applications by Sep 15. Purpose of program: "to bring climate and health scientists from outside the U.S. federal government to work with NIH staff to share knowledge and help build our capacity."
- From Stanford's Rodolfo Dirzo & Paul Ehrlich: "Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity" (calling for "an end to growthmania").
- Bringing a health lens to the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act – from Stanford's Lisa Patel.
- New Lancet Planetary Health issue is out, featuring articles on mental health, cognitive impacts of the planetary health diet, extreme heat (and hate speech), and infectious disease risks.
- Folke et al. 2021: "The Anthropocene reality—of rising system-wide turbulence—calls for transformative change towards sustainable futures. Emerging technologies, social innovations, broader shifts in cultural repertoires, as well as a diverse portfolio of active stewardship of human actions in support of a resilient biosphere are highlighted as essential parts of such transformations."
- ePanel on Heat, Health and Inequity: Sep 26, 9:30am PT. More information here.
- Reminder: CIGH Fall Kickoff: Oct 3, 5-6:30pm.
- Reminder: Funding opportunity from Office of Community Engagement; one-time funding of up to $50k and three-year seed funding of $200k for work with marginalized communities in Santa Clara / San Mateo counties. Deadline: Oct 2.
- Thoughts on cynicism & hopefulness from Nick Cave (of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds):